the royal commission inquiry is... ONLY for the STATE CARE... so why
should I be happy about this guy... I feel my guts dropped out of me...
ever time I see this come on here... is it not enough that us men and
women... have been turned away time after time... even today as we fight
for justice for all... but hey... lets all be happy that less than a
1/4... of the abused and raped men and women... will be well looked
after... while the rest of us from the churches... are thrown onto the
rubbish heap... my heart is bleeding... my spirit is broken... where is
the help for the men and women... who were and still are... the unwanted
children of the churches of New Zealand.... SHAME! ... SHAME!... SHAME
on the New Zealand Prime Minster... and the New Zealand Government...
Even though I am left with no hope... I will not go away... Ann