End child abuse in New Zealand - join calls for full Royal Commission now
What's happening?
Pressure is growing on the new Labour government to go beyond an inquiry into "historic" abuse of children under state care in New Zealand.
Abuse survivors, advocates, activists and academics are joining long-standing calls for a fully independent, Royal Commission of Inquiry into all child abuse.
Not just historic abuse.
And physical, not just sexual.
With government facing a 100-day deadline for making good on its abuse inquiry promise, survivors say now is the time for New Zealanders to take action and demand an end to all child abuse.
Why is this important? Government estimates family violence costs the country some $5.8 billion a year, with studies showing abuse suffered in childhood is a leading cause.
Should people sign? When even the Catholic church criticises the government for not holding a full inquiry, petitioners are on the right side of history.
What can you do?
Sign petition: Stop NZ child abuse, hold full Royal Commission of Inquiry
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Coming soon: full listing of groups and agencies campaigning against child abuse
Ann Thompson