Adopted at birth and
raised by nuns, the artist-activist Louise Wallwein has spent a lifetime
trying to find out who she is. Now, though, she has made a play, radio
play and book about that process – and how she has let go of trying to
find her own “origins story”.
Wallwein, 47, spent her childhood moving from care homes to foster parents; at nine she went back into the care of nuns after her adoptive family broke down; she was moved between 13 different children’s homes; then at almost 18 she came out as gay, left care, and became involved in activism and theatre, which, she says, have kept her grounded ever since.
Wallwein, 47, spent her childhood moving from care homes to foster parents; at nine she went back into the care of nuns after her adoptive family broke down; she was moved between 13 different children’s homes; then at almost 18 she came out as gay, left care, and became involved in activism and theatre, which, she says, have kept her grounded ever since.