We were stolen from our mother's arms by the catholic church St. Vincent De' Paul... who took us to a catholic church orphanages... and there we were put up for adoption to the highest bidders... or we were put out to work on their farms from the age of 5years old... working in their laundry's... and their kitchens... I was one of the babies stolen from my mother at 2 and a half months old... I was told that my mother was dead... My mother was raped at 15years old... Ann
One by one, they introduce themselves, starting with their names and where they were born: Mount Providence orphanage in Montreal, Saint Patrick's Home in Dublin, Baie-Saint-Paul orphanage in Quebec. Communication is slow and halting; the Quebecers speak French, the Irish, English. Some never learned to read or write.
In a tucked-away office at Montreal's Concordia University, a video
conference connects two groups of survivors separated by an ocean but
linked by their so-called "illegitimate" births — Quebec's
Duplessis Orphans and the survivors of Ireland's Mother and Baby Homes.
One by one, they introduce themselves, starting with their names and where they were born: Mount Providence orphanage in Montreal, Saint Patrick's Home in Dublin, Baie-Saint-Paul orphanage in Quebec. Communication is slow and halting; the Quebecers speak French, the Irish, English. Some never learned to read or write.