Those who haven’t walked in the shoes of children abused in
institutional care struggle to understand the enduring hurt and pain. Many people urge these victims to get on with life, put their
experience behind them and do the best they can. But anyone with
understanding of the lingering effects knows this is only possible to a
certain extent.
Feelings of neglected childhoods were evident amid the camaraderie and happiness at the recent reunion of Gill Memorial Boys Home residents. These men love catching up each year but it’s always with a tinge of sadness. Instances of proven and alleged sexual abuse by Salvation Army officers have been aired at a Senate inquiry and more recently, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Feelings of neglected childhoods were evident amid the camaraderie and happiness at the recent reunion of Gill Memorial Boys Home residents. These men love catching up each year but it’s always with a tinge of sadness. Instances of proven and alleged sexual abuse by Salvation Army officers have been aired at a Senate inquiry and more recently, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.