That is just what the catholic church nuns told us... and you know
what... there have been ghost fires... in all of the catholic church
homes and orphanages worldwide... Not a thing but five lines of who took
me there... and it was not my mother as the nuns use to tell us as
children... it was St. Vincent De' Paul... who worked for the catholic
Yes and again in 2003 by the Good Shepherd order nuns... what happened was that the man who was standing in for the government... came in with over 15 big boxes for papers... and here we all were standing around as little children... waiting for our names to be called out... I was so excited to see so many boxes... thinking that we all would have a box each... and that the sisters shared their box... as I heard the named called out... when another box was pulled away from the pile of boxes... my eyes and ears stayed on that box... but no not for me again... two boxes left and so many ladies still waiting for their named to be called out... NO our names were never uttered... not even a whispered of a Ann did I hear... Five girls got five boxes each... we were sure that this guy had made a mistake... but no he had not... these five girls had being from one home to another and each place that they went to where in their boxes...they were from the state homes.

Yes and again in 2003 by the Good Shepherd order nuns... what happened was that the man who was standing in for the government... came in with over 15 big boxes for papers... and here we all were standing around as little children... waiting for our names to be called out... I was so excited to see so many boxes... thinking that we all would have a box each... and that the sisters shared their box... as I heard the named called out... when another box was pulled away from the pile of boxes... my eyes and ears stayed on that box... but no not for me again... two boxes left and so many ladies still waiting for their named to be called out... NO our names were never uttered... not even a whispered of a Ann did I hear... Five girls got five boxes each... we were sure that this guy had made a mistake... but no he had not... these five girls had being from one home to another and each place that they went to where in their boxes...they were from the state homes.
24years of my childhood is lost... only the abuse... pain and torment
are in-bedded in me... us men and women of the catholic church
orphanages have nothing about our Childhood... Ann
The following is for adults who have suffered trauma as a child
particularly abuse by the responsible adults in their lives. Abuse
includes physical, emotional and sexual. However, what this audio
addresses is the emotional abuse which is present whenever physical and
sexual abuse occurs as well as occurring by itself.
Although the act of abuse is horrible, the worst part often is the
long-term consequences suffered by those who have been abused. Those
long-term consequences occur because of what you were taught to believe
about yourself. The abuse taught you lies about yourself and because of
those lies you continue to suffer in adulthood.