Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns, priest, their workers and other Denomination Worldwide

Please be advised that some may find stories here Highly Uncomfortable & Upsetting to read.
" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

This website is about the awareness of nuns, who Abused and Raped innocent children, in their so called care. It will be an eye opener for many, and it did happen. I am a survivor of 25years of abuse and rape, in two catholic church orphanages in Christchurch New Zealand. My story will be here as well, as many other women and men, who had the misfortune, to be place in the care of these vicious females. Not place there by their mothers, but stolen from them, by the catholic church herself.

5 March 2017

Can Ireland face up to its shocking past?

Claims that babies were used for drug tests gives Irish leaders a chance to acknowledge a dark past. But will they?
This week civil rights campaigners in Ireland have welcomed the latest report by the UN on the country, its past, and the unwillingness of today's politicians to address the failings of the Catholic Church. The UN committee chairman, Nigel Rodley, had this to say:
He said abuse was so persistent, "it's hard to imagine any state party tolerating. And I guess I can't prevent myself from observing that [they] are not disconnected from the institutional belief system that has predominated in the state party."