ONE of the worst child abusers in the history of the State was given a
reference for a job by the head nun at St Joseph's orphanage in
Kilkenny, despite being told he had been "at" children and despite
having personal reservations about the paedophile who served a 10- year
jail sentence for sex abuse.
David Murray was only investigated in 1995 by a Garda Sergeant, stationed at Kilkenny Garda Station. He began an investigation into allegations of sexual and physical abuse at St Joseph's School in Kilkenny. In the course of his enquiries, he heard allegations of severe sexual abuse, including buggery, and of physical abuse by David Murray and Myles Brady who had been employed at St Joseph's during the 1970s. The first of these allegations involved David Murray, who was employed in St Joseph's from 1972 until 1976, when he was summarily removed by the Resident Manager following complaints by boys.
David Murray was only investigated in 1995 by a Garda Sergeant, stationed at Kilkenny Garda Station. He began an investigation into allegations of sexual and physical abuse at St Joseph's School in Kilkenny. In the course of his enquiries, he heard allegations of severe sexual abuse, including buggery, and of physical abuse by David Murray and Myles Brady who had been employed at St Joseph's during the 1970s. The first of these allegations involved David Murray, who was employed in St Joseph's from 1972 until 1976, when he was summarily removed by the Resident Manager following complaints by boys.