Allegations of extreme cruelty and sexual abuse were made in 1998
about Nazareth Houses in Tyne, Sunderland, Plymouth, and Manchester in
England, Swansea in Wales, and Aberdeen, Glasgow, Midlothian and
Kilmarnock in Scotland. A report was published on allegations of abuse
and brutality at one of the order's homes in Queensland, Australia, over
a 90-year period ending in 1976, including 48 children who were part of
the British government Child Migrant Programme.
In the Northern Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry, the largest inquiry of its type in UK legal history into institutional sexual and physical abuse in Northern Ireland institutions that were in charge of children from 1922 to 1995, Module 1 investigates the Sisters of Nazareth Homes in Derry/Londonderry (27 January 2014 to 29 May 2014), Module 2 the Child Migrant Programme, which forcibly sent children from NI institutions to Australia where they were often maltreated and exploited, and Module 4 (started on 5 January 2015) covered Sisters of Nazareth Belfast - Nazareth House and Lodge.
In the Northern Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry, the largest inquiry of its type in UK legal history into institutional sexual and physical abuse in Northern Ireland institutions that were in charge of children from 1922 to 1995, Module 1 investigates the Sisters of Nazareth Homes in Derry/Londonderry (27 January 2014 to 29 May 2014), Module 2 the Child Migrant Programme, which forcibly sent children from NI institutions to Australia where they were often maltreated and exploited, and Module 4 (started on 5 January 2015) covered Sisters of Nazareth Belfast - Nazareth House and Lodge.