My reason for writing to the Justice Ministry of Quebec is that the Commission for Victims of Crimes against Humanity and the Children of the Great DarknessCommittee (Comité Les Enfants de la Grande Noirceur) in the Duplessis Orphanscase want to know what happen to the bones found on a piece of land belongingoriginally to the Catholic Orders Sisters of Providence of Montreal who sold a pieceof land from the St-Jean-de-Dieu Hospital grounds named The Pig StyCemetery intentionally in order to erase it's memory.
It is there that until1958, more than 2,000 inmates of St-Jean-de-Dieu were buried, among whomwere Duplessis Orphans to the Quebec Liquor Board for the sum of $4.9 milliondollars sold these lots in 1974 and 1979. In 1976 the hospital changed its nameto Louis-H. Lafontaine Hospital. No inscription recalls this forgotten past.
It is there that until1958, more than 2,000 inmates of St-Jean-de-Dieu were buried, among whomwere Duplessis Orphans to the Quebec Liquor Board for the sum of $4.9 milliondollars sold these lots in 1974 and 1979. In 1976 the hospital changed its nameto Louis-H. Lafontaine Hospital. No inscription recalls this forgotten past.