'In recent years, revelations of childhood sexual abuse by Catholic
priests have broken out from behind a well-guarded wall of secrecy.
Despite the publicity of hundreds of such cases, one area of healing
and investigation remains: that of women religious who also are guilty
of sexually abusing children and each other.
As one pastoral psychotherapist with whom I have had contact put it, this is the next area in which sexual abuse accounting will take place.Indeed, accounts of women in general who sexually abuse children are nearly non-existent, and research on the topic of nuns and sisters who abuse children presently has not been available.
As one pastoral psychotherapist with whom I have had contact put it, this is the next area in which sexual abuse accounting will take place.Indeed, accounts of women in general who sexually abuse children are nearly non-existent, and research on the topic of nuns and sisters who abuse children presently has not been available.