I have done it...
I could not put it into words so I phoned up... The New Zealand Royal
Commission Inquiry Into Child Rape and Child Abuse today... the man I
talked to was really nice and let me do the talking... I told him my
views about Why: the churches should be in with the state inquiry...
Tears flowed from my eyes which he could also hear from my shaky
voice... I told him that my book should be in their office... which they
have had since last year... so he is going t
So a very good day for me.... I feel that I have now done the
beginning... to fix what was done to us men and women... in the
catholic church New Zealand orphanages... which we are paying the nuns
we should NOT be paying these nazareth house nuns... FOR ABUSING and RAPING US FOR YEARS both day and night... Ann
My Book
They Promised Heaven But Led Me to Hell
Years In Two Catholic Orphanages Left Their Hidden Scars...
Royal Commission into Child Abuse in New Zealand Answer:...
Dear Ann Thompson
Thank you for your phone call to the Royal Commission on the 10th of
April. I have looked for the book that you told me had been sent to the
Royal Commission “They promised me heaven but lead me to Hell”.
Unfortunately I have been unable to locate your book here in the office.
I have asked other staff if they had seen it in the office but no one
recalls seeing it at all.
I have noted that you wish the Terms of Reference for the Royal
Commission to be expanded to cover children who were placed in the care
of the Church. You have also indicated that you would like to meet with
the Commission when it is established. I have bought your request to the
attention of the Chair.
Sir Anand Satyanand will carefully consider all submissions made
about the Terms of Reference and will report to the Minister on the
results of the consultation process.
He will not be naming any individual submitters in his report to the
Minister on the Terms of reference. To protect the integrity of the
process and your privacy, he intends to make orders to prohibit
publication of submissions made by individuals and the identity of the
submitters. This will not stop you from making your submission public if
you wish.
If you have any concerns about the extent of confidentiality, or if
you do not want your submission to be treated as confidential, please
let the Commission know. When contacting the Royal Commission please
quote reference number
Thank you for being so open with me yesterday Ann. I do hope that you were not too distressed after sharing your story with me.
Yours sincerely
By keeping my book away from the Royal Commission Inquiry... is
another way to keep the catholic church orphanages away... and out of
the Royal Commission Inquiry Into Child Abuse in New Zealand... please
help us men and women who were abused and raped by nuns... priest and
their workers... to get a fair hearing in... The New Zealand Royal
Commission Inquiry into Child Abuse... we need all the help we can
get... Let NO week go by without your say... Thank you... Ann Free
We started working for the nuns from 5years old in their kitchens...
laundries and on their farms... they were paid for the laundries and
their farms... and as we got older... the government paid the nuns for
us... which the nuns kept... they made their riches of today from the
unwanted children of the catholic church ... I call it their BLOOD
MONEY... this happen to children... boys and girls worldwide... in the
catholic church homes and orphanages...
those of us who were born out of wedlock... were called orphans...
and the nuns reaped more money from us boys and girls... they got double
take for us... and they used us as their slaves... the devil's son's
and daughter's...
most of our mother's were RAPED... I know my mother was RAPED... and I
suffered up to 24years of abuse and rape... for my sins of being born
out of wedlock... in the two catholic church orphanages run by nuns...